Cesce - Bankinter Collaboration Agreement

Cesce and Bankinter signed a Collaboration Agreement to mitigate the risks associated with the international activity of exporting companies and to provide them with access to financing.

The Supplier Credit policies cover the company against non-payment risk and against the risk of unjustified termination of the export contracts.

Furthermore, exporters may use this policy to obtain financing by discounting the insured collection rights of the contract. The exporter may designate the bank that discounts the collection rights of the transaction in advance as the beneficiary of the Cesce policy, transferring the aforementioned the right to indemnity to be exercised by Cesce in the event of non-payment of invoices.

Bankinter, as beneficiary of the Supplier Credit Policies, grants financing to Spanish companies for projects related to the exportation of goods and services from Spain.

Within the framework of the agreement signed by both institutions, Bankinter and Cesce shall encourage this product to be more widespread: Cesce by insuring the risks and Bankinter by offering liquidity to the exporters wishing to discount the collection rights derived from their contract in advance.


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