
Defence of the Insured 

Responsive Image
The Department of Policyholder Relations is responsible for answering the queries and complaints that Insureds make when they believe that a decision made by Cesce does not respect their rights, according to the contract signed.

Moreover, in accordance with the terms of Royal Decree-Law 3/2020, of 4 February, on urgent measures transposing into the Spanish legal system various European Union directives within the field of public contracting in certain sectors; on private insurance; on pension plans and funds; on tax and tax litigation; complaints and claims that may be submitted in relation to the actions of its employees and insurance agents and insurance baking operators shall be dealt with and resolved.

How this Department operates, as well as the Procedure for submitting a complaint or claim, is set out in the Regulations of the Department of Policyholder Relations, the content of which was approved by Cesce’s Board of Directors.

Contact Details

The Department’s contact details are as follows:


Mª Isabel Torremocha Baranda
Head of Department

Velázquez, 74, 28001 - Madrid

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